A Stolen Heart by Amanda Cabot

I can’t wait to get my hands on A Stolen Heart by Amanda Cabot!! It sounds deliciously sweet šŸ˜‰

Rebecca Leigh

This story centers around a young woman named Lydia Crawford who leaves New York to follow her fiance to Cimarron Creek, Texas where they are to be married. However, the trip is anything but ideal. As well as having to deal with the southernersā€™ hatred of Northerners, she also has to deal with the fact that her fiance is missing and has left behind a pregnant wife. What happened to the man and why did he marry someone else?

WARNING: When reading this book, you are probably going to want to have chocolates or some sort of sweet around. I didnā€™t and regretted it!

Overall, I found the book quite enjoyable and will likely read it again. I will definitely finish the trilogy. It is romance and mystery, both of which I love. The romance between Lydia and a certain Cimarron Creek man didnā€™t have quite the upsā€¦

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