Breakfast Stuffed Peppers

Over the weekend, I decided to give meal-prepping a try. Have you ever done meal-prepping? It’s where you plan out every.single.meal for the entire week and cook everything in 1-2 days, allowing the rest of your week the freedom for all the other fun activities you’ve got going on. Sounds awesome, right? Knowing that my biggest…

Raspberry Cream Cheese Muffins

I went to Costco on Sunday. No surprise there as I LOVE Costco and they practically built one in my backyard!! Its the best place in the world. Well, that and Ikea! ❤ While meandering through the fruit aisles, I came across one of the last boxes of raspberries that had been on the pallet….

Mini Glazed Chocolate Donuts

So it would seem I have motivation to bake tonight and I’m thinking donuts sound pretty awesome right now. Mini glazed chocolate donuts!!! After scouring Pinterest for about 30 min (ok, really it was more like 50 minutes because I’m a Pinterest addict) I found this recipe and decided to give it a whirl. This took…

Mini Apple Spice Donuts

In a world of fast-food sausage + egg + cheese on a fluffy biscuit for an early morning breakfast, I choose the almighty donut! Especially if that donut is a creation of my own making, filling my house with the delightful scents of apples and spices. Ohhhhh its almost too good to be true. But…